Newsletter Nov 2020
Greetings! Many thanks to the organizers of the Corn-to-Go portion of this year’s Corn Roast – Jan and Jeff Martin and Dorothy and Larry Binning and their committee. Our first-ever virtual program was the Corn Roast. We enjoyed a presentation from Dean Kate VandenBosch, followed by a good question-and-answer session. Alice in Dairyland, Julia Nunes, then shared a well-prepared power point presentation. Like the rest of us, the 73rd Alice is having a very different experience this year! Liv Sandberg did a great job lining up scholarship recipients to give us a little peek into their lives and studies, and Dean Kate introduced four new faculty hires who shared a bit about their research and teaching, while another wrote a good bio in the chat section. If anyone has a suggestion for someone who would make an interesting, informative speaker for another virtual presentation, please contact me or one of the other board members. It is my sincere hope that COVID has not visited the rest of you! Thankfully my husband Dan had a relatively light case of it and is now recovered. Stay well and please continue to support our scholarship efforts!
Gail Schaefer, president