Newsletter Feb 2020

President’s Message

It is a new year and the outlook is great, judging by upcoming events planned for and by Demeter members. Mark your calendars for some great activities plus our annual meeting and luncheon program.

Sally Andrews has planned an “Epic” mid-winter event showcasing the Epic medical-software company’s campus. We’ll convene at 12:25 pm March 18 in the parking lot of Covenant Presbyterian Church, 326 South Segoe Road in Madison. A bus will first take us to Quivey’s Grove for a delicious dessert and to hear about the historical buildings from the owner Craig Kuenning.

We will then be transported to Epic for an hour-long tour of the whimsical buildings designed to make working fun. They feature such themes as Harry Potter and Alice in Wonderland. Many of you access your medical records on Epic’s MyChart. More than 250 million patients have an electronic record in Epic, according to the company’s website. We will return by 4:45 pm to our vehicles. Please be sure to send your reservation by March 6 to ensure a seat and a great time.

In the next academic year Demeter will offer an amazing $40,000 in scholarships for CALS students. Our Education Fund chair, Liv Sandberg ( is seeking volunteers to help with this rewarding program.

If you have any suggestions for future pro please let us know. Think spring. It will be here before we know it.

Lynn Grooms, president